Monday, April 14, 2008

Chp. 9 Conference with Students

Wow! I learned so much from reading this chapter on conferencing and can't wait to try some different ways to conference. I too many times feel the need to have the one-on-one conference with the students, which means that I don't always get to every student that needs that conference on that given day. A couple of types of conferences that I can't wait to try are the Quickshares and Roving Conferences. These are a perfect way to reach every student in a short amount of time!

I also need to remember to model what I expect to happen from a peer conference, as well as remember to do some shared writing on conferencing and editing. Do my students know what I'm looking for when I conference with them? They still have a very difficult time doing their part as a writer to revise and edit their own papers. They say they have, but it is evident that they haven't. I need to remember to have them use a different color when they revise and edit papers so that I can see that they have really attempted to do this before we ever meet or before they meet with a peer. I have had them use colors to identify the ways they have started sentences, but not when they've edited their own paper.

This is a chapter that I will revisit many times to help make my conferences more meaningful.

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