Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chp. 11 Build on Best Practice and Research

Highlights from this chapter for me:

*Once again, Regie mentions that the schools that do well with their assessment scores, are having their students write every day.

*Reading and writing go hand-in-hand.

*"Effective teachers are constantly reevaluating and rethinking their practices..." p. 267

* We need to look at best practices to help us be the best teachers that we can be.

*I really believe in what the subtitle says on p. 270, "You achieve what you believe." This goes for us as teachers, as well as for our students.

*The lists on p. 272-273 will be a great resource if we decide to focus on writing as a grade level and/or for our Building Action Plan.

*"It is essential that we teachers advocate strongly that all our students participate in read-alouds and shared language experiences." p. 277 I had a few students that were out of my room during writing, then as I was reading this book, I decided to take a chance and beg for them to go at another time. It worked, and now they are back in writing class!

*Change happens one person at a time, one school at a time, but when it's lasting change, change brought about by hearts and minds working together as knowledgeable, caring colleagues, it has a very large ripple effect." p. 280 Let the change begin!

1 comment:

Bernetta said...

I like when Reggie states that we have to "Do what's right by kids." We do have to work together as a team and be advocates for developmentally appropriate writing.